I would love to hear from you. Let me know what you think, what you are interested in learning more about or if you have any suggestions.
Thanks, Irene Shaver
Hello Irene! I have wanted to reach out to you here for a while. What you are doing on this blog is amazing. I only wish I could be so dedicated to time spent on nutrition! In the spirit of blogging, networking and good karma, I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award. If you feel like participating (and have the time to do so), please visit my blog, http://avision4rkids.com to check out the details. Have a great weekend! Ida Mae
I Agree with Ida Mae, this is amazing! I'm new to dairy, gluten and sugar free eating and your recipes make me feel confident that I can make this major shift in eating.
Thanks so much for making your knowledge available to the world! Kelly
Your receipes are wonderful. Love the irish soda bread. My daughter can't get enough of it. Just made the granola bars. Delicious. Made the vanilla cherry muffins. Too.
I'm new to this way of eating, and you make it deliciuos and easy.
Your compliments warm my heart, I am flattered. It can be an exhausting journey when new to it but your body will thank you. Let me know if you have questions.
I need help as I am only a week in to sugar, gluten and dairy free lifestyle as well as other food sensitivities for my seven year old who is the pickiest eater ever. He doesn't like any meat except for a fried chicken finger or nugget. We are trying to do a food sensitivity elimination hoping it will help with constant sinus and asthma issues. I googled and came to your site. My concern is the high cost of all of these different flours, spices and items needed for baking. You have to spend a fortune on supplies it seems like. Please help and give any suggestions.
I feel for you as I know it can be overwhelming to completely switch your eating. It can be hard on your family and on your bank account. Here are a few of my thoughts on the matter. Preparing your own food does save you in terms of cost. Premade food is more costly and can often contain fillers which will also not keep you quite as full and perhaps induce more cravings…more food. As you get used to some staple recipes you will be surprised that it doesn’t take as long. I often buy my food in bulk. In Ontario you can become a member of the Ontario Natural Food C-op (ONFC) which is a system that allows you to buy natural foods at less cost. I also use the bulk barn for many of my flours as I do find it less expensive (as long as you aren’t concerned about possible cross contamination.) Eating more protein and less carbs will keep your body fuller for longer and will reduce those cravings for more food as quickly. As for your 7 year old, it can be a tough road when he is used to certain ways of eating. I would look at his zinc levels as that also contributes to how appealing (or not appealing) food is. Do read “What is eating your child” by Kelly Dorfman as she does a great job informing people about how food and vitamin deficiencies affects our behaviour. Finally I strongly believe in continued expose to new foods/experiences will aid in the range of foods eaten. Even if your son isn’t eating the food but having it continually placed before him makes it less strange. I also feel that rewards for eating something they don’t prefer can be used. I often have a healthy dessert (or a preferred food) in place for my girls if I am really want them to eat something less preferred first. For example: stewed pears were used tonight as a reward to encourage the meal that was placed before them. Do feel free to email me ireneshaver78@gmail.com for more information or any questions. Many blessings.
I am so excited to find your blog and get new reciepes. I am vegitarian, gluten free and sugar free. Thank you for sharing your reciepes with me. I subsitute Choffy for Chocolate in alot of my foods it is coffee, sugar, dairy, gluten and no added chemicals. Here is my web page you can learn more about this at www.drinkchoffy.com/heidi I could mail you a sample if you e-mail me at heidi_bernal@msn.com
Not sure if you remember Kevin Scott or not, but I'm his younger sister Leslie. I went to high school with Brenda. I was at Rachel Kiar's shower this past weekend, and saw your mom, who told me all about your blog. I'm recently GF & DF, and while I find the GF not too bad, the DF is much harder. I'm always looking for fun new recipes, so I'm so happy I heard about your blog!! You'll have a regular reader here, that's for sure! Congratulations on everything :)
Hi Irene, your website is amazing and I am so so so happy to have found it. I just learned about my 9 year old son's food sensitivities (wheat, dairy/whey, eggs, citrus, red meat, and sugar cane). Since last Thursday, I have been feeling completely lost and overwhelmed. This is all so new to me and not knowing what to feed my child everyday wants to make me cry. I appreciate all your recipes and your suggestions. I am making a copy of the recipes that I think he would like and making a list to go shopping this weekend. I already a fan and I have not even try your recipes... Thanks so much for putting this website together and for helping people like me to find a way to help our children have a healthy life.
Hello Irene, I just wanted to let you know how much your recipes keep me going. I've been gluten, dairy and sugar free now since January and your blog has really helped me and my family continue to eat in a healthy fashion. While my family may not always buy into the lifestyle 100 percent, they have made some great changes and are much mores patient with the way I eat. I contacted you last winter about my migranes and hormonal and energy issues and I feel like a lot of these issues have improved by eating this way. We love the roasted chicken(made last night) as well as many of the smoothies, soups and muffins(especially the chocolate zucchini ones!) thanks again and please keep it up.
Thanks so much for the encouragement. I am SO happy to hear that you are noticing some improvements in your health. I pray these will continue to improve for you. Thanks again for taking the time to write to me...it means a lot.
Just found your site today as I'm having some troublesome digestive issues and need to try and gluten free, dairy free, low sugar diet so your site is so VERY helpful and amazing. Just wanted to say thank you! Jen
Hi there, I'm really pleased to have come across your page. I have been advised to follow a sugar, dairy, gluten and yeast free diet. I'm two weeks in and this website has given me so much inspiration just when I needed it. Thank you very much for your recipes and great ideas. Will be following you and telling my friends in New Zealand :)
Hi Irene, Like so many on your Blog I am new to this way of living. I am not sure how I found you. But I was researching gluten and sugar fee recipes. I just wanted to comment, not something I do very often, and tell you how nice and easy it is to find my way around here. I am impressed with the layout and the information. thanks I am sure you are going places with this and I too will tell all about it. regards Karen
Hi Irene Thank you for all your efforts , I am doing low carb and want to try your pizza dough recipe but would like to know the net carbs in it ? If you have the information I would be grateful. Sue
I stumbled across your website today while looking for baking recipes that were dairy, gluten, yeast, and egg free, as I just found out I have sensitivities to all of them, which makes it very difficult to bake. I also looked over the articles and ideas you have on Pinterest, and was also excited to see you are a fan of praying, teaching your kiddies how to make healthy food choices, and using cleaning supplies not filled with chemicals, to name a few. So, as I will be spending time looking over all your great recipes and other interesting ideas, I first wanted to say thanks! Thanks for giving my hubby, the baker in our family, as way to substitute eggs in his baking. I cannot wait to look over all the other recipes. Thanks for sharing a way to make a dusting spray not filled with things that will harm my little man's and our lungs. Thanks for sharing the book title What's Eating Your Child?. Thanks for the list of 31 Ways to Pray with Your Children. And thanks, for all the many more interesting things and articles I am sure to read as I peruse your Pinterest and Blog/website. Peace.
Just found your site today from pinterest. I am looking for gluten free dairy free sugar free. I bought this flour called Namaste perfect flour blend. Have you used it? And how can I use this in your recipe that call for coconut flour and all the other ingredients. Because this one is like a one stop shop flour.... As well I just bought almond flour looking for something to make as well with that. Thank you! Chantel
Yes I have heard of Namaste flour. I have not used it as I tend to just make my own blends. As for substituting it with coconut flour, that would be more challenging. Coconut flour is much for dense and therefore a little goes a long way. You would definitely have to alter the ratio and the liquid/egg ratio when using another flour mix. As for other flours the Namaste but I can't say for sure it would be 1:1 it would depend of the recipe etc. Sorry I am not much help :(
Hello Irene! I am very grateful to have found your blog! I am on the Elimination Diet for food sensitivities and these recipes have been a godsend! I was wondering if I could feature some of your recipes on my blog for the Elimination diet specifically. I would link to your blog (I definitely want you to get the credit!). Let me know if that would be something you'd be OK with. Thank you very much, Emma
Thanks again for keeping up this blog Irene! Over the holidays I've made about 5 recipes from it - it continues to be my go to blog for feeding my family and helping me keep my sweet tooth in check as I still don't eat refined sugar. Happy New Year! Anna B. :)
Hello, Im on my first day of dairy gluten and sugar free journey and would very much appreciate some advice on how to make this as simple as possiable! I am quite over whelmed so your help would mean the world to me! Thank You, Melody
Hi Irene :) I just found about your blog and will be following it as my husband and I are doing the healthy eating thing! I just finished cutting your father in laws hair and he told me all about your blog! So I am excited to try a lot of your recipes. Hi to Dan and congrats on your baby boy :)
Just found your blog and trying to eat the healthier lifestyle and can't wait to try your recipes. Thanks for the laid back and down home style you have in this blog and much congratulations to you and your family on the arrival of your son. Deb
Hello Irene!
ReplyDeleteI have wanted to reach out to you here for a while. What you are doing on this blog is amazing. I only wish I could be so dedicated to time spent on nutrition! In the spirit of blogging, networking and good karma, I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award. If you feel like participating (and have the time to do so), please visit my blog, http://avision4rkids.com to check out the details.
Have a great weekend!
Ida Mae
I Agree with Ida Mae, this is amazing! I'm new to dairy, gluten and sugar free eating and your recipes make me feel confident that I can make this major shift in eating.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for making your knowledge available to the world!
You are welcome, I am happy to share. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.
ReplyDeleteYour receipes are wonderful. Love the irish soda bread. My daughter can't get enough of it. Just made the granola bars. Delicious. Made the vanilla cherry muffins. Too.
I'm new to this way of eating, and you make it deliciuos and easy.
Your compliments warm my heart, I am flattered. It can be an exhausting journey when new to it but your body will thank you. Let me know if you have questions.
DeleteI need help as I am only a week in to sugar, gluten and dairy free lifestyle as well as other food sensitivities for my seven year old who is the pickiest eater ever. He doesn't like any meat except for a fried chicken finger or nugget. We are trying to do a food sensitivity elimination hoping it will help with constant sinus and asthma issues. I googled and came to your site. My concern is the high cost of all of these different flours, spices and items needed for baking. You have to spend a fortune on supplies it seems like. Please help and give any suggestions.
ReplyDeleteI feel for you as I know it can be overwhelming to completely switch your eating. It can be hard on your family and on your bank account. Here are a few of my thoughts on the matter.
DeletePreparing your own food does save you in terms of cost. Premade food is more costly and can often contain fillers which will also not keep you quite as full and perhaps induce more cravings…more food. As you get used to some staple recipes you will be surprised that it doesn’t take as long.
I often buy my food in bulk. In Ontario you can become a member of the Ontario Natural Food C-op (ONFC) which is a system that allows you to buy natural foods at less cost.
I also use the bulk barn for many of my flours as I do find it less expensive (as long as you aren’t concerned about possible cross contamination.)
Eating more protein and less carbs will keep your body fuller for longer and will reduce those cravings for more food as quickly.
As for your 7 year old, it can be a tough road when he is used to certain ways of eating. I would look at his zinc levels as that also contributes to how appealing (or not appealing) food is. Do read “What is eating your child” by Kelly Dorfman as she does a great job informing people about how food and vitamin deficiencies affects our behaviour. Finally I strongly believe in continued expose to new foods/experiences will aid in the range of foods eaten. Even if your son isn’t eating the food but having it continually placed before him makes it less strange. I also feel that rewards for eating something they don’t prefer can be used. I often have a healthy dessert (or a preferred food) in place for my girls if I am really want them to eat something less preferred first. For example: stewed pears were used tonight as a reward to encourage the meal that was placed before them. Do feel free to email me ireneshaver78@gmail.com for more information or any questions. Many blessings.
I am so excited to find your blog and get new reciepes. I am vegitarian, gluten free and sugar free. Thank you for sharing your reciepes with me. I subsitute Choffy for Chocolate in alot of my foods it is coffee, sugar, dairy, gluten and no added chemicals. Here is my web page you can learn more about this at www.drinkchoffy.com/heidi I could mail you a sample if you e-mail me at heidi_bernal@msn.com
ReplyDeleteHi Irene!
ReplyDeleteNot sure if you remember Kevin Scott or not, but I'm his younger sister Leslie. I went to high school with Brenda. I was at Rachel Kiar's shower this past weekend, and saw your mom, who told me all about your blog. I'm recently GF & DF, and while I find the GF not too bad, the DF is much harder. I'm always looking for fun new recipes, so I'm so happy I heard about your blog!! You'll have a regular reader here, that's for sure! Congratulations on everything :)
Hi Irene, your website is amazing and I am so so so happy to have found it. I just learned about my 9 year old son's food sensitivities (wheat, dairy/whey, eggs, citrus, red meat, and sugar cane). Since last Thursday, I have been feeling completely lost and overwhelmed. This is all so new to me and not knowing what to feed my child everyday wants to make me cry. I appreciate all your recipes and your suggestions. I am making a copy of the recipes that I think he would like and making a list to go shopping this weekend. I already a fan and I have not even try your recipes... Thanks so much for putting this website together and for helping people like me to find a way to help our children have a healthy life.
ReplyDeleteHello Irene, I just wanted to let you know how much your recipes keep me going. I've been gluten, dairy and sugar free now since January and your blog has really helped me and my family continue to eat in a healthy fashion. While my family may not always buy into the lifestyle 100 percent, they have made some great changes and are much mores patient with the way I eat. I contacted you last winter about my migranes and hormonal and energy issues and I feel like a lot of these issues have improved by eating this way. We love the roasted chicken(made last night) as well as many of the smoothies, soups and muffins(especially the chocolate zucchini ones!) thanks again and please keep it up.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the encouragement. I am SO happy to hear that you are noticing some improvements in your health. I pray these will continue to improve for you. Thanks again for taking the time to write to me...it means a lot.
DeleteJust found your site today as I'm having some troublesome digestive issues and need to try and gluten free, dairy free, low sugar diet so your site is so VERY helpful and amazing. Just wanted to say thank you! Jen
ReplyDeleteHi there,
ReplyDeleteI'm really pleased to have come across your page. I have been advised to follow a sugar, dairy, gluten and yeast free diet. I'm two weeks in and this website has given me so much inspiration just when I needed it. Thank you very much for your recipes and great ideas. Will be following you and telling my friends in New Zealand :)
Hi Irene,
ReplyDeleteLike so many on your Blog I am new to this way of living. I am not sure how I found you. But I was researching gluten and sugar fee recipes. I just wanted to comment, not something I do very often, and tell you how nice and easy it is to find my way around here. I am impressed with the layout and the information. thanks I am sure you are going places with this and I too will tell all about it.
Hi Irene
ReplyDeleteThank you for all your efforts , I am doing low carb and want to try your pizza dough recipe but would like to know the net carbs in it ? If you have the information I would be grateful.
HI Sue, I am sorry I am not very well informed about how to count carbs etc. I wish I could help you out. :(
DeleteHello :)
ReplyDeleteI stumbled across your website today while looking for baking recipes that were dairy, gluten, yeast, and egg free, as I just found out I have sensitivities to all of them, which makes it very difficult to bake. I also looked over the articles and ideas you have on Pinterest, and was also excited to see you are a fan of praying, teaching your kiddies how to make healthy food choices, and using cleaning supplies not filled with chemicals, to name a few. So, as I will be spending time looking over all your great recipes and other interesting ideas, I first wanted to say thanks! Thanks for giving my hubby, the baker in our family, as way to substitute eggs in his baking. I cannot wait to look over all the other recipes. Thanks for sharing a way to make a dusting spray not filled with things that will harm my little man's and our lungs. Thanks for sharing the book title What's Eating Your Child?. Thanks for the list of 31 Ways to Pray with Your Children. And thanks, for all the many more interesting things and articles I am sure to read as I peruse your Pinterest and Blog/website. Peace.
Just found your site today from pinterest. I am looking for gluten free dairy free sugar free. I bought this flour called Namaste perfect flour blend. Have you used it? And how can I use this in your recipe that call for coconut flour and all the other ingredients. Because this one is like a one stop shop flour.... As well I just bought almond flour looking for something to make as well with that. Thank you! Chantel
ReplyDeleteYes I have heard of Namaste flour. I have not used it as I tend to just make my own blends. As for substituting it with coconut flour, that would be more challenging. Coconut flour is much for dense and therefore a little goes a long way. You would definitely have to alter the ratio and the liquid/egg ratio when using another flour mix. As for other flours the Namaste but I can't say for sure it would be 1:1 it would depend of the recipe etc. Sorry I am not much help :(
DeleteHello Irene! I am very grateful to have found your blog! I am on the Elimination Diet for food sensitivities and these recipes have been a godsend! I was wondering if I could feature some of your recipes on my blog for the Elimination diet specifically. I would link to your blog (I definitely want you to get the credit!). Let me know if that would be something you'd be OK with. Thank you very much, Emma
ReplyDeleteThanks again for keeping up this blog Irene! Over the holidays I've made about 5 recipes from it - it continues to be my go to blog for feeding my family and helping me keep my sweet tooth in check as I still don't eat refined sugar. Happy New Year! Anna B. :)
ReplyDeleteHello, Im on my first day of dairy gluten and sugar free journey and would very much appreciate some advice on how to make this as simple as possiable! I am quite over whelmed so your help would mean the world to me!
ReplyDeleteThank You,
Hi Irene :) I just found about your blog and will be following it as my husband and I are doing the healthy eating thing! I just finished cutting your father in laws hair and he told me all about your blog! So I am excited to try a lot of your recipes. Hi to Dan and congrats on your baby boy :)
ReplyDeleteJust found your blog and trying to eat the healthier lifestyle and can't wait to try your recipes. Thanks for the laid back and down home style you have in this blog and much congratulations to you and your family on the arrival of your son. Deb